Tuesday, June 21, 2011

June Challenge- Day 10

So I have moved my NYC departure date up by two weeks because it was so much easier to find someone to sublet at the beginning of the month, and it also saved me half a month's rent.  As as result, my focus has shifted just a bit, and I'm not going to complete all of the challenge goals I originally set out for myself.  It pains me to not reach each one of my specific goals, but I am still using these last few days to take advantage of everything New York has to offer!

Daily Practice
Tuesday- Vocal Tech and Vocal Ensemble (Bettina)
Wednesday- Vocal Tech (Kurt)
Thursday- no practice... but for good reason!  I was selected to be an audience member of the GLEE movie being taped in Jersey.  I was gone the entire day and didn't get back until after midnight.
Friday- Vocal Tech (Kurt)
Saturday- Private Lesson (Kurt)
Sunday- practiced at home
Monday- Vocal Tech and Vocal Performance (Bettina)

In my private with Kurt, he noticed some lower notes in my range that he hadn't heard on me before.  He says I should start looking at some Alto repertoire and try shifting some of my other songs down 2 half steps.  We played with a series of lower songs to see where they sat in my voice:

Don't Know Why- Nora Jones
Something to Talk About- Bonnie Rait
Bust Your Windows- Mercedes (Glee cast)
There Is None Like You- Watermark with Shane and Shane
Rolling in the Deep- Adele

They were definitely a lot more comfortable!  I obviously want to keep challenging my upper range and practicing my old songs, but I'm excited to explore songs that sit in my chest a little longer and allow for a richer quality.

Non-dance exercise
I've started a new routine of waking up at 6am and going for a 3-mile walk six days a week.  Last week was my first week doing it, and I went five times!  Not a bad start.  I'm trying to start getting into the routines I'll have during the school year.  During the school year, I have to work out in the morning otherwise I'll never do it.  I'm forcing myself to no longer snooze in the mornings and to put myself to bed at a decent hour at night.  It's only June, so I'm excited to already be on the right track! 

Dance Classes
Monday- Ballet (Goheen) and Contemporary (Mousset)
Tuesday- Contemporary (Mousset)
Wednesday and Friday- Ballet (Goheen)

This week's words of wisdom from Beth Goheen:
"Never compare yourself to others; always compete with yourself, and learn from others."
So true!!!

Healthy Eating
So this is one of the big areas of the challenge that's been hit by the new departure-date hurricane.  I have a long list of places that I want to experience before I leave NYC, and a lot of them involve restaurants, dessert shops, and bars.  And to sweeten the pot, I have two besties coming in town to help me paint the town.  Realistically, there's no way that I'll be staying under 1500 calories in these last few days.  I'm still being wise and health-conscious, but I'm pretty sure there's not anything at Serendipity that's under 1000 calories.  :)

Challenge Calculator
  • Daily vocal practice- 10/20 
  • Private lessons- 1/3
  • Coaching Session- 0/1
  • Vocal Performance classes- 1/3
  • Open mics- 0/2 (not sure if this is going to happen in NYC, but first thing on the list in TX)
  • Record demo- 0/1 (not sure if this is going to happen in NYC, but first thing on the list in TX)
  • Dance classes- 5/15
  • Non-dance exercise- 6/15
  • Healthy eating- at or below 1500 calories daily- 5/15 (eliminating until TX)
  • Charitable deeds- 0/2
  • Blog at least once per week
Soooo, not too bad!  I'm having to make some changes, but I'm not giving up!  Just trying to soak up every last drop of this great city-- singing, dancing, performing, dining, sight-seeing-- the whole shebang. 

Livin' the dream.

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