Monday, June 13, 2011

June Challenge- Day 3

Day 1 and 2 were rough as I was trying to get back into the swing of things, but Day 3 was a great success! I think Monday is always a great day to really get with the program. 

Daily Practice 1 and 2
I skipped yesterday; I just couldn't find any time alone, and I was too lazy to go to Ripley Grier.  :(  BUT... today I tried practicing on my apartment roof for the first time, and it was great.  Now I never have an excuse for not getting my 30+ minutes in, and I'll never skip again! ;-)

However, on Saturday I used the Full-Voice CD, and today I used a recording of a private lesson with Kurt.  I worked on my 'meow's' up and down the scale and then in place of the words for Defying Gravity.

Non-Dance Exercise 1 and 2
Saturday I went to the gym and worked out on the elliptical, and today I walked 3 miles through Central Park.

Dance Class 1 and 2
1- Ballet w/ Goheen
2- Contemporary w/Mousset

Ugghhh, I love Mousset's class.  It was my first time taking Mousset in several months, and I don't know why I haven't been taking him 3 times a week all year.  That class is all about movement, and breath, and release-- not counts and arbitrary shapes.   It's one of the few classes I take where I feel like I'm really dancing.  Love, love.

Healthy Eating Day 1
Today's calorie count- 1461
Breakfast- 1/2 a leftover cheeseburger from a fancy dinner last night (not very healthy, and a weird breakfast, but I didn't want to throw it away, so I ate it after my 3 mile walk and before my 3 hours of dancing... and I adjusted my remaining calories accordingly. :) )
Lunch- Veggie wrap (spinach tortilla, lettuce, black bean salsa, shredded cheese), apple, and baby carrots
Dinner- Sweet potato and Special K cereal
Saturday and Sunday I was still recovering from Texas lakehouse withdrawal.  I've been craving sugar and junk food, but I'm reeling it back in!  

Challenge Calculator

  • Daily vocal practice- 2/20 
  • Private lessons- 0/3
  • Coaching Session- 0/1
  • Vocal Performance classes- 0/3
  • Open mics- 0/2
  • Record demo- 0/1
  • Dance classes- 2/15
  • Non-dance exercise- 2/15
  • Healthy eating- at or below 1500 calories daily- 1/15
  • Charitable deeds- 0/2
  • Blog at least once per week

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